'New York' -Could've been better
'New York' -Could've been better By N K Deoshi Film critic, ApunKaChoice.Com A star-spangled film that starts off well, builds the plot nicely, but goes completely hay wire in the second half, New York is long, tiresome, but well intentioned. It opens with the distinctly unique skyline of New York, with the twin towers ominously missing. The SWAT team sweats overtime to round off a terror suspect, Omar ( Neil Nitin Mukesh ), who finds himself in the FBI net after arms and ammunition is found from the trunk of a car owned by him. FBI agent Roshan ( Irrfan Khan ) grills Omar and wrings out all info about Sam ( John Abraham ), Omar’s friend, who the FBI agent claims, is running a sleeper terrorist cell that could strike America anytime. As Omar narrates the story of his friendship and unrequited love with Sam and Maya ( KatrinaKaif ) we are flashbacked to the year 1999 and on to the campus of New York State University where the three friends (studying god knows what!)...